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Top Seven GunTuber Channels for 1911 Fans

Jon Trobaugh

Here are some of the best YouTube channels focused on 1911s, 2011s, and concealed carry

Going to stop making fun of AI's ability to create images. Jeez.
Going to stop making fun of AI's ability to create images. Jeez.
By Jon Trobaugh

I spend way too much time on YouTube. I do. It's a horrible vice. Luckily, there is no shortage of Guntubers creating 1911- and 2011-focused content to help me pass the time. Here are's top seven YouTube channels for 1911 pistol shooters and CCW enthusiasts.

  1. A Regular Gun Guy

Despite what his moniker might suggest, Regular lives in a world of fancy AF guns. He produces a lot of content on 2011s and often spends his entertaining live streams trying to answer the hard-hitting guestion "is this gun ugly?" Great channel with an outrageous cast of characters and solid 2011 advice and reviews.

  1. TheOl1911

I have no idea why this guy's channel hasn't blown up. Besides giving us some of the only long-term carry studies of Wilson Combat models like the Ultra Light Carry Compact in 45 ACP and the full-size Ken Hackathorn Special, TheOl1911 has some epic show and tell vids; his safe seems to contain every cool pistol, revolver, and rifle made between 1985 and 2025. Now, if I could just get him to sell me that railed Wilson CQB with the RMR and the no-longer-produced flat competition trigger.

  1. 10-8 Performance

I can't think of more underrated channel than this one. Just subscribe already. In-depth technical analysis and hours of lost 1911 knowledge from a medium-sized 1911 parts company.

  1. 1911 Syndicate

    Weird real-estate content aside, the 1911 Syndicate has all of the content a new 1911 shooter would need. Great comparison videos and expert shooting tips and tricks.

  2. Thunder Ranch

    Clint Smith won't be us forever; soak in whatever he has to say now! Jack Daniel and the rest of the gang at Thunder Ranch haven't posted on this channel in a LONG time, but the videos here are spectacular, even those thick with sponsors.

  1. Wyoming Gun Project

Dude can shoot. Subscribe now.

  1. Southern Arsenal

Is he a bit of a fudd? Yes. Does he say some stuff that just ain't true? Yeah, probably. Is he freaking entertaining as heck? Yes. And he has a great Hank Hill impression. Subscribe.

Well, there you have it. Did I miss your favorite channel? Please add to the comments below.



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